As a Kentucky Derby hat designer, I always feel like I am in a race all of my own. I’m trying to finish hats, while new orders come in. For example, I got up at 3:00 a.m. this morning to finish hats that had to go out today.
Believe it or not, orders for Kentucky Derby hats start after New Year’s Day. I have been doing hats for the Kentucky Derby for the past 4 months. The big trends seem to be black and hot pink.
The Kentucky Derby season for a hat designer is more like a marathon race, where you have to pace yourself. I’ve tried to eat well, got adequate sleep, take vitamins, etc. No matter what, you do get entirely drained usually about 2 weeks out from Derby. I find we all end up running on adrenaline! What gives us all energy to get through the mad rush is the clients we work with. Everyone is so excited to be attending the Derby, many for the first time. Most everyone is very positive and a joy to work with.
There is a slight let down after Derby. The upside to being so busy is that you have a great excuse to put certain things off – like housecleaning, doing the accounting and cleaning out the flower beds. Now, I have no excuses and have to do the post-Derby clean-up.
Happy Derby Day to all!
By: Polly Singer