Reading about the recent downsizing at many companies, it reminded me of the times that I was laid off. It’s a scary feeling. The rug gets pulled out from under you and panic starts to set in. However, many positive things can come from job loss. The benefit of my getting laid off numerous times was the idea to start my own business. In a way, losing a job lead me to a new career.
If you or anyone you know has suffered a recent job loss, this can be a great time to start your own business. The positive side of the internet is that most anyone can work from home and reach a wide variety of people all over the world. If you had told me when I first started my website that I would be reaching over 15,000 people per month, I would have laughed hysterically.
When starting an internet business, there are a few things to consider:
1. How organized are you? Can you work alone and without supervision? These two items are key when starting a business.
2. Do you have a specific field? What niche can you carve for yourself?
3. It takes businesses time to grow. Can you afford to lose money for a year or two? If you have a spouse/partner, can the household survive on one paycheck?
4. How determined are you? You must have a strong determination and drive to make it work.
5. Can you deal with being on the computer constantly? I had one person say to me, “I want to have a website/online business, but I don’t want to be on the computer that much.” When you have an on-line business, you are literally married to your computer.
My online store has been up since 2004. Has it been easy? No. Has it been fun? Not always. However, it has been quite an adventure and one I have become addicted to in a strange way. Each day is a surprise and I never get bored. Being my own boss suits me. I wouldn’t change a thing.
By: Polly Singer