Well, believe it or not, Jan and I survived the Kentucky Derby. We had many obstacles, but somehow, we made it. Everything that could go wrong did, but all ended up fine in the end. You’ll notice that in the photo above, we are dressed alike. We didn’t intend it that way, as you will read farther below.
As anyone watching the Derby knows, the race was a huge upset.
Mind That Bird shocked us all by winning. There was a huge thrill seeing the horses round that final turn and Mind That Bird go along the inside rail to surprise everyone. I literally got chills on that final turn. To see a horse that was 50-1, was purchased for $9,500 and driven up from New Mexico in a trailer, win the biggest race in America was amazing.
Watching the race later on tape, almost more touching than the win was Jockey Calvin Borel’s raw emotion and tears upon wishing his parents could have been alive to see what he’s accomplished. Hollywood couldn’t have written a better ending.
I will do a more in-depth Derby wrap up later. A few quick things:
1. The day was much colder than we had anticipated. Thank goodness Jan had brought a rain coat with her. I started the day in the sundress and cardigan pictured below, but had to borrow Jan’s coat to finish the day.
2. We saw many of our hats out and about. The best part was meeting clients who we had only emailed with and talked with over the phone.
3. Our biggest compliment of the day came from none other than Aretha Franklin. A client wearing one of our custom designs was approached by Ms. Franklin and complimented on her hat. Here is the hat pictured below in the center.
Now, time to catch up on my rest!
By: Polly Singer