Remember your mother saying “Don’t forget to wear your hat or you’ll get sick.”? I heard that all the time growing up. Well turns out, your mom was right.
Hats do help keep us warmer and keep in body heat. I know for me, having my ears covered helps me avoid colds. I almost feel naked outdoors without one in the winter. Living in New York City, I was always out in the elements, walking outside, going from store to store. January in Manhattan is a frigid place. I used to go home at night and have to keep my coat on for an hour just to thaw out. A friend used to say that he could take Manhattan in January because he had braved Moscow in the winter. Manhattan vs. Moscow…..let me see, which would I take?
All I can say is wear your hat and try to stay well. January and February are long, cold, dark months for many of us. Spring will be here. Maybe to get through it, start looking at spring clothing and hats. Plan a vacation. Rent videos of sun drenched places and far away locales. And always, have a bit of dark chocolate to get you through it.
By: Polly Singer